Vietnam is a country full of rich flavors and delectable dishes, and diners are graced with a generous helping of etiquette unique to Vietnam. Before setting off to this stunning country, brush up on the right ways to dine with the locals and confidently enjoy delicious Vietnamese fare.

Dining Attire

When dining in Vietnam, attire is taken seriously and it’s best to dress smartly. Some restaurants or establishments may have a strict dress code, but as a general rule of thumb, avoid wearing anything that’s too revealing. Although for many people shorts and sandals are considered perfectly acceptable for dining, it’s always nice to dress up a little and make a positive impression on your hosts.

Chopsticks in Action

Chopsticks become your primary tool in a Vietnamese restaurant, and mastering their use is essential. Chopsticks are considered to be the most polite way to eat, allowing guests to enjoy the dishes with minimal mess. Here’s a few essential chopstick etiquette tips that you should know before taking your seat:

  • Never stand chopsticks upright in your bowl. This is a sign of respect and is only done when honoring the dead.
  • Never use a single chopstick. Using chopsticks in this way is seen as quite rude and disrespectful.
  • Don’t point at someone with chopsticks. Direct physical contact, even with a utensil, is can be seen as very disrespectful.

Sharing is Caring

Sharing dishes is an essential part of the Vietnamese dining experience. Not only is it fun, sharing dishes allows diners to sample various kinds of dishes without having to commit to a full meal alone. Additionally, sharing dishes with the locals can be a great way to make connections and get the exclusive insider knowledge.

When it comes to sharing, remember to be courteous and always ask before helping yourself to someone else’s plate. Each dish is communal and will be served along with a serving spoon or chopsticks. To be polite, transfer food onto your own plate and use your own chopsticks or spoon.

Dining Out

It’s important to keep in mind that in Vietnam, meals are often seen as a social event, and you may be asked to join in a round of toasting from time to time. Not only is toasting an important social event, but it is also seen as a show of camaraderie and respect. Whether you’re toasting with water, beer, or rice wine, be sure to tilt your glass and make eye contact with everyone in the toast.

If you’re looking for authentic, local food experiences and want to venture away from the tourist haunts, you should visit a wet market. You can find a variety of mouth-watering dishes made from fresh ingredients. Dishes like this have been a staple of local Vietnamese cuisine for generations and can be eaten on-site or taken away. Alternatively, you can also find amazing eateries that offer a range of meals and snacks, perfect for a light bite.

Ready to experience an unforgettable dining experience in Vietnam? With these dining etiquette tips, you’re sure to be welcomed warmly and confidently by the locals. For more guidance and support, Tripfany is here to help make your travel dreams come true. We can help you create the perfect itinerary and give you the best advice on what to explore in Vietnam.